i will not forget my sister's face the day that
she died / such a frail little girl i remember
how i cried
when she reached out to squeeze my hand
i knew her time had come / and when her
fingers slipped from mine i knew that it was
oh sweet emily you're going Home / sweet
emily and i can't go
looking back upon our younger days when
we'd go out to play / she was weaker than
the rest of us so we'd laugh and run away
but sometimes i'd lie awake at night and
wonder what was wrong / oh i had the feel-
ing even then that her days would not be
oh sweet emily you're going Home / sweet
emily and i can't go
sometimes i almost hear her calling me / but
Heaven seems so far away
i will not forget my sister's face the strange
way that she smiled / like the times she'd
gaze up in the sky when she was just a child
and i still can hear the echo of the last thing
she could say / this life is but a moment in
the morning of my day
oh sweet emily you're going Home / sweet
emily and i can't go
sweet emily you're going Home / sweet emily
and i can't go