Everybody wants
cookies, cookies, cookies.
Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy
cookies, cookies, cookies.
are you ready, ready, ready?
Crunchy cookies make you
happy, happy, happy!
If you push the button,
cookies will dance
and come down.
Do you want some cookies?
What will come down?
What will come down?
From the vending machine?
A choco, choco, choco,
chocolate chip cookie,
the chocolate chip cookie!
I’m first!
Everybody wants
cookies, cookies, cookies.
Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy
cookies, cookies, cookies.
are you ready, ready, ready?
Crunchy cookies make you
happy, happy, happy!
What will come down?
What will come down?
From the vending machine?
A really nutty, nutty, nutty,
nutty cookie,
the peanut butter cookie!
My turn!
Everybody wants
cookies, cookies, cookies.
Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy
cookies, cookies, cookies.
are you ready, ready, ready?
Crunchy cookies make you
happy, happy, happy!
What will come down?
What will come down?
From the vending machine?
A very, very, very
delicious cookie,
the blueberry cookie!
I’m coming!
Oh yeah!
Everybody wants
cookies, cookies, cookies.
Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy
cookies, cookies, cookies.
are you ready, ready, ready?
Crunchy cookies make you
happy, happy, happy!
I still want more and more!
What will come down?
What will come down?
From the vending machine?
Chocolate, peanut butter,
all the berries.
Everything you want!
Cookie bombs!
Everybody wants
cookies, cookies, cookies.
Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy
cookies, cookies, cookies.
are you ready, ready, ready?
Crunchy cookies make you
happy, happy, happy!
Everybody wants
cookies, cookies, cookies.
Crunchy, crunchy, crunchy
cookies, cookies, cookies.
are you ready, ready, ready?
Crunchy cookies make you
happy, happy, happy!