Kiss the judas

Fury in the Slaughterhouse

Kiss the judas

she took you up to the seventh cloud
you had time to fall
is it that what you've been dreaming of
a promise big as the universe
and all the best for free
she ripped you off just when you fell in love

I know how it feels
I know how it hurts
it's the disappointment
that makes you feel so sad
I know you can top it
I know that you will
a smile in your face
one last embrace
to kiss the judas
to kiss the judas

mom is dead and dad's in buffalo
a long way to go
you paid the ticket but she does not come back
enjoy a night under candlelight
if you pay the cheque
her lips so red
and the future looks so black

Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Kiss The Judas
Fury In The Slaughterhouse - Kiss The Judas
Fury in the Slaughterhouse - Kiss The Judas
Fury in the Slaughterhouse - Kiss The Judas
Fury in the Slaughterhouse
Fury in the Slaughterhouse
Fury in the Slaughterhouse   Deborah
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Deborah
Fury in the slaughterhouse - Fools
Fury in the slaughterhouse - Fools
Fury In The Slaughterhouse - P.O.W.
Fury In The Slaughterhouse - P.O.W.

그외 검색된 가사들

가수 노래제목
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Then she said
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Down there
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Should have known better
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Enough is not enough
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Next to you
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Missing me
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Ghosttown
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Kill somebody
Fury in the Slaughterhouse On alarm
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Hello and goodbye
Fury in the Slaughterhouse No illusions
Fury in the Slaughterhouse As quiet
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Hold on
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Pressure down
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Do you feel
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Are you real
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Turn around
Fury in the Slaughterhouse My little world
Fury in the Slaughterhouse Out on the weekend

가사 수정 / 삭제


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