My Cassette Player

앨범 : My Cassette Player
I am not the kind of girl
Who takes you to a world
That's far behind
But if you want me to replay
You need a little time
To rewind
Somehow throughout the days
They took it away
It's no more the same
Without it without it
so tell me
Who took my cassette player
Who took my cassette player
I loved it so
I can't let go
so tell me
Who took my cassette player
Who took it who took it
I loved it so
Who took ma cassette player
cassette player
Like a song that's in my heart
It always played a part
In my life
Like a book that's in the shelf
With all its memories
It's hard to find
If you want me to play
I can honestly say
It is no more the same
Without it without it
so tell me
Who took my cassette player
Who took my cassette player
I loved it so
I can't let go
so tell me
Who took my cassette player
Who took it who took it
I loved it so
Who took ma cassette player
Cassette player
If you want me to play
I can honestly say
It is no more the same
Without it without it
so tell me
Who took my cassette player
Who took my cassette player
I loved it so
I can't let go
so tell me
Who took my cassette player
Who took it who took it
I loved it so
Who took ma cassette player
Cassette player
I want to have it back

그외 검색된 가사들

가수 노래제목
MOST (모스트) Cassette Player
플레이어(Player) TRUE PLAYER!
MB Player Born Again, MB Player! (Interlude II)
LVAN 외 2명 Cassette
Cassette Schwarzenegger Gym With You
Cassette Schwarzenegger Skywalker
Cassette Schwarzenegger Discoteque
Cassette Schwarzenegger Play
Memory Cassette Last One Awake
Cassette Kids Lying Around
Benny Cassette Watch Your Back
모노크롬카세트 (Monochrome Cassette) 비밀의 방
니콜이 First Love Cassette (Stripped)
Deerhunter Rainwater Cassette Exchange
모노크롬카세트 (Monochrome Cassette) 녹지마
모노크롬카세트(Monochrome Cassette) 사랑이더라
Cassette Schwarzenegger Jet Runway
모노크롬카세트 (Monochrome Cassette) 사랑이더라
Cassette Kids Freaky Sweetie

가사 수정 / 삭제


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