
AP Networt News
앨범 : Daily English

(((2003. 6. 19. Thursday - former part)))

AP Network News. I’m Tim Maguire.

An attack in Israel even as the Palestinian prime minister tries to get the militants to stop. Mark Levee has more.
--- Palestinian gunmen opened fire from the West Bank on a car on a road just inside Israel, killing a seven-year-old girl and badly wounding another child. This came minutes after Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmud Abbas wrapped up a meeting with violent Palestinian groups, failing to persuade them to stop attacks against Israelis. The efforts are to continue through the week. The halt to attacks is a key element in the US-backed roadmap peace plan already damaged by a surge of violence. Secretary Powell is heading here this weekend to try to salvage it. Mark Levee, Tel Aviv.

(이종인의 듣기일기)
An attack in Israel even as Palestinian Prime Minister try to get the militants to stop. (Mark Levee) has more. "Palestinian gunman opened fire from the West Bank on a car on a road just inside Israel, killing a seven-year-old girl and badly wounding another child. This came minutes after Palestinian Prime Minister (Mahmud Abbas) wrapped up a meeting with violent Palestinian groups, failing to persuade them to stop attacks against Israelis. The efforts are continued through the week. The halt to attacks is a key element in the U.S.-backed roadmap peace plan, already damaged by surge of violence. Secretary Powell's heading here this weekend to try to salvage it. (Mark Levee), Tel Aviv.

팔레스타인 총리 Mahmoud Abbas로서는 militant group이 이스라엘에 대한 공격을 중지하도록 설득하는 데 실패했음을 다시금 재확인시켜주는 사건이 발생했습니다. 팔레스타인 gunmen이 차에 타고서는 총격을 가하여 7살 난 이스라엘 소녀가 사망하였습니다. 소녀의 동생인 5살 소녀는 총격으로 중태에 빠져 있습니다. 이스라엘 관리인 Zalman Shoval은 말하길 테러리스트와의 전쟁은 계속될 것이라고 합니다. 팔레스타인 및 이집트, 국제적인 노력에도 불구하고 팔레스타인 폭력단체는 공격을 중지하지 않으려고 합니다. 공격중지의 일환으로 팔레스타인 총리는 군부세력인 Hamas에 정치적 지위를 줄 용의도 있다고 합니다. 그러나 어떤 합의도 이끌어내지 못하였습니다. 합의과정에는 떠오르는 지도자 Marwan Barghouti의 석방도 조건으로 대두되고 있습니다.--- Fatah의 지도자로서 Arafat 다음으로 팔레스타인에서 명망 있는 지도자입니다. 그러나 이스라엘 관료들은 하나의 가능성으로만 일축하고 있습니다. 화요일 총격에는 총격자가 West Bank와 남북향의 고속도로 사이에 있는 벽을 통과하기 위해 수로를 이용했다고 합니다. 8명의 가족들에게 총을 쏘았으며 다시 팔레스타인 마을로 도망쳤다고 이스라엘군이 밝혔습니다. ###The efforts [are to] continue### to가 듣기 힘들었습니다. ###salvage### 구조하다. 구하다.

A federal appeals court in Washington on a 2-1 vote says the government was right in not publicly disclosing names and details of more than 700 foreigners detained after 9-11. A lawyer for one of the groups that had asked the justice department for the information says they will continue to pursue the case.

(안미영의 듣기일기)
A federal appeals court in Washington on a 2-1 vote says the government was right in not publicly disclosing names and details of more than 700 foreigners detained after 9-11. A lawyer for one of the groups that had asked the justice department for the information says they will continue to pursue the case.

워싱턴에 있는 연방 항소법원이 9-11 이후 구류되어 있는 700명 이상의 외국인 이름과 인적사항을 공개하지 않은 게 잘했다는 뜻인 것 같은데, “2-1 vote”가 무얼 말하는 건지 모르겠네요. 혹시 아시는 분 계신가요?

Democrats in the House international relations committee tried to force the administration to provide the House with pre-war intelligence on Iraq’s weapons programs. The proposal was rejected along party line votes. New York Republican Pete King tells committee members they should let the regular process for investigating such manners be used.
--- Let’s have it done through the intelligence committees. Let’s have the records made available to us. But let’s not make it a public show at this stage. There’s plenty of time for that.
Chairman Henry Hyde says the CIA is already providing the information.

(김규원의 듣기일기)
Democrats in the House international relations committee tried to fore the administration to provide the House with pre-war intelligence on Iraq’s weapons programs. ….. was rejected along hard line votes. New York Republican Peter King tells committee members, they should not be the regular process for investigating such manners be used. ----- Let’s have it done to the intelligence committees. Let’s have ….made available to us. But let’s not make it a public show at this stage. There’s plenty of time for that. Chairman, Henry Hide says the CIA is already providing the information.

이라크전의 구실이 되었으나 결정적 증거가 발견되지 않은 대량살상무기의 유무에 대한 사전 정보를 하원 국제관계위원회에 제출하도록 행정부에 압력이 가해지고 있는 가운데….. ## pre-war를 처음엔 free war로 듣고, the proposal은 잘 안 들렸구요. Something is rejected along hard line votes은 작은 표차로 거부되었다는 내용이겠죠. 제가들은 Hard line vote가 옳게 들은 것이라면…..anyway, Party line 보단 hard line으로 들립니다. at this stage 현단계에서는, 정보위원회를 통해서라는 뜻의 through the intelligence committees는 to the ~로 들리던데…자꾸 듣다 보니 to보단 through에 가깝게 들리네요. 밤이 깊었네요…모두들 편히 주무세요…. ”Tomorrow is another day!!”

Another 400 people have been taken into custody as US troops staged lightning raids throughout northern and central Iraq. Paul Bremer, head of the civilian authority overseeing Iraq, says coalition forces are not trying to hurt the Iraqi people.
--- When we have these military operations, we try very quickly to show that we are not at war with the Iraqi people. We are trying to deal with the people who are indeed themselves at war with the Iraqi people, these kinds of people who are attacking, attacking us in the area west and north of Baghdad.

(정원교의 듣기일기)
Another 400 people have been taken into custody as U.S. troops stated lightening raids throughout northern and central Iraq. Paul Bremer, head of civilian authority overseeing Iraq says, coalition forces are not trying to hurt the Iraqi people.
-When we have these military operations, we try very quickly to show that we are not at a war with Iraqi people we are trying to deal with the people who are indeed themselves at a war with Iraqi people, these kinds of people who are attacking us in the area of west and north of Baghdad.

미군이 이라크 북부와 중부지역에 기습공격을 감행해서((stage lightning raids)) 400여명이 구금되었습니다.((take into custody)) ((stage))가 귀에 안 잡히네요. 직함을 뭐라고 해야 될지 잘 모르겠네요. 여하튼 미국주도로 수립중인 이라크 민간정부의 미국측 대표는 연합군이 이라크 국민과 싸우고자 하는 게 아니라고 강조하네요. 내용은 전반적으로 어렵지 않은데, 제대로 머리 속에 내용을 잡아내려면 한참 고생해야 될 뿐이지요. 습도가 높아지네요. 다들 건강 조심하시고 오늘도 열심히… Hope all is well.

This is AP Network News.

(((2003. 6. 19. Thursday - latter part)))

A check of some 9,000 people shows more are seeking treatment for major depression. National Institute of Mental Health researcher Dr. Kathleen Merikangas says people seem less reluctant to seek treatment for depression.
--- Comparing our rates of treatment to the 1990s study and earlier studies, we found that there’s almost a 37% increase in the proportion of people with major depression who are actually receiving treatment for major depression.
The study’s lead author says despite the progress over the past 20 years, many doctors may not be aware of such advances and patients might be going outside accepted procedures for therapy.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
A check of some 9,000 people shows more are seeking treatment for major depression. National Institute of Mental Health researcher Dr. Kathleen Merikangas says people seem less reluctant to seek treatment for depression.
--- ?? our rates of treatment to the 1990s study and earlier studies, we found that there’s ?? 37% increase in the proportion of people with major depression who are actually receiving treatment for major depression.
The study’s ?? says despite the progress over the past 20 years, many doctors may not be aware of such advances and patients might be going outside except(?) procedures for therapy.

점점 많은 사람들이 우울증 치료를 받고 있다는 보고입니다. 1990년대에 비해 37%나 늘었다고 합니다. *** 1. 치료 받다.: seek treatment/receive treatment 2. Compare A to B: comparing을 못 들었습니다. 뒤에 나오는 almost도 못 들었네요. 3. The study’s lead author: 연구의 주저자, 수석연구원. 4. patients might be going outside accepted procedures for therapy: accepted를 못 들은 것 이전에 문장 의미가 잘 안 들어옵니다. 제가 이해한 바로는 (환자들은 공인된 치료법 외에 다른 치료를 받고 있을 지도 모른다)입니다. ***

A protein called RKIP might be the gatekeeper when it comes to the spread of prostate cancer. A University of Michigan researcher has found that the protein seems to keep the cancer cells localized, keeping it from other parts of the body. Dr. Evan Keller says RKIP could be targeted to prostate cancer and RKIP levels might soon be used to tell if a person’s cancer has started to spread.

(정창욱의 듣기일기)
A protein called RKIP might be ?? keeper when it comes to the spread of prostate cancer. University of Michigan researchers found that the protein seems to keep the cancer cells localized, keeping it from other parts of the body. Dr. Evan Keller says RKIP could be targeted to prostate cancer and RKIP levels might soon be used to tell that a person’s cancer has started to spread.

RKIP이라는 단백질이 전립선암이 퍼지는 걸 막을 수 있다는 연구에 관한 내용이네요. 이 단백질이 암세포를 고립(localized)시킨다고 합니다. 향후, 전립선암의 진단에도 쓰일 수 있을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. *** 1. the gatekeeper: 정보의 흐름을 통제하는 사람. 여기서는 전립선암이 퍼지는 걸 막는 것 2. A University of Michigan researcher has: 이 부분 잘 못 들었네요. 3. ~ soon be used to tell if ~ : if를 못 들었습니다. *** 좋은 하루 되세요.

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